Trampolin pa Trabao

FLEXO Manpower Services, an Aruba-based agency operating since 2005, has joined forces with Trampolin pa Trabao, a foundation established in 2009 to train individuals with disabilities for workforce participation.

Together, they have created meaningful work experiences for people with special needs.

Trampolin pa Trabao 

Trampolin pa Trabao is a foundation established in 2009 by Sonrisa. It is a place where individuals with disabilities are trained to actively participate in the workforce of our society. Trampolin pa Trabao aims to contribute to a better living environment, understanding, and respect for others, regardless of their limitations. By working at Trampolin pa Trabao, people with disabilities gain work experience and develop their social and cognitive skills. The most important aspect is that everyone has fun and can discover their own value and talents.

Collaboration and Impact

In November 2017, FLEXO met Trampolin pa Trabao, almost by a leap of faith. During a conversation with Job Coach Lionel Rumnit, we learned about the meaningful and fulfilling work Trampolin does. FLEXO decided to join forces with Trampolin and we started the collaboration for the placement of Trampolin clients in January 2018.

The start of this project had a very positive effect on both our businesses; helping clients with special needs helped the Flexo staff to think outside the box-to give Trampolin employees more meaningful lives.

Since the beginning of the project, we have tried to include as many Trampolin clients as possible in various activities, such as:

  • Assistance with wrapping and distributing gifts for our clients and employees
  • Cleaning services at the office
  • Participation in recording of Christmas video
  • Provision of a special gift for FLEXO staff on their birthdays/anniversaries and other celebrations
  • Trampolin has been our number one provider for catering and waiter services since 2018.

Our approach for the Trampolin project includes:

  • Information through (social) media, client visits, and meet & greet events
  • Job coach advice on clients who are job-ready
  • Client registration with FLEXO
  • Matching clients to vacancies
  • Coaching and evaluation of clients during the work process

we can make a lasting impact


Key milestones and placements of the Trampolin project:

Date Milestone/Placement
01-01-2018 Started Project 'Trampolin'
13-02-2018 Placement of first Trampolin client
Summer 2019 Placement of 8 Trampolin clients in a big project consisting of 100 employees
March 2019 FLEXO provided a 2-month internship for a Trampolin client, student at EPB
01-01-2020 First Trampolin client to receive a permanent job contract
Aug 2021 Second Trampolin client to receive a permanent job contract

Total clients:

Year Number of Clients
2018 4
2019 15
2020 8
2021 3
2022 3

Donations made:

Year Donation (AWG)
2018 € 4000
2019 € 6000
2020 € 3000
2021 € 3000


Industry Position
Supermarkets Gardening
Retail & Wholesale Stewarding
Production Office cleaning crew
Hotels Housekeeping
Non-profit Warehouse helper
FLEXO Manpower Production associate
Data entry clerk
Receptionist - Internship