
Unlock Your Potential: Our Partnerships!


Our partnerships extend beyond the business sector, as we also actively engage with local community organizations and initiatives. By working together with these groups, we're able to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and families throughout Aruba.

This commitment to community engagement is an essential part of our mission, as we believe that strong and thriving communities are the foundation for a successful and prosperous society.



Trampolin pa Trabao is a foundation established in 2009 by Sonrisa. It is a place where individuals with disabilities are trained to actively participate in the workforce of our society.

Trampolin pa Trabao aims to contribute to a better living environment, understanding, and respect for others, regardless of their limitations.

By working at Trampolin pa Trabao, people with disabilities gain work experience and develop their social and cognitive skills. The most important aspect is that everyone has fun and can discover their own value and talents.

Read more about TRAMPOLIN & FLEXO

Momax Trainings & More

At FLEXO Manpower Services, we are committed to helping job seekers achieve their career goals and find meaningful employment opportunities. We understand that the job market is constantly evolving, and to succeed, individuals need not only the right job opportunities but also the skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen fields.

That's why we are excited to announce our collaboration with Momax Trainings & More, a renowned institution that shares our dedication to personal and professional growth. This partnership is designed to provide you with a comprehensive solution for your career development needs, while also offering substantial benefits for employers.

Read more about MOMAX & FLEXO